Life’s Journey

Grace Curriculum: Who Are We?
Grace Curriculum began as an effort to pass on the gospel of God’s grace to the next generation of children at Grace Community Church of Sun Valley, CA, where John...
Grace Curriculum: Who Are We?
Grace Curriculum began as an effort to pass on the gospel of God’s grace to the next generation of children at Grace Community Church of Sun Valley, CA, where John...

What Makes Grace Curriculum Distinct?
Many Bible-teaching curriculums aim their instruction entirely toward the student. Frequently, the teacher is bypassed because the curriculum was not designed with teachers in mind. As a result, many curriculums,...
What Makes Grace Curriculum Distinct?
Many Bible-teaching curriculums aim their instruction entirely toward the student. Frequently, the teacher is bypassed because the curriculum was not designed with teachers in mind. As a result, many curriculums,...

Choosing the Right Sunday School Curriculum for...
Choosing a Sunday School curriculum is a high responsibility. God commands parents to instruct their children in His ways (Deut 6:1–25; Prov 1–8; Eph 6:1), and often the greatest evangelistic...
Choosing the Right Sunday School Curriculum for...
Choosing a Sunday School curriculum is a high responsibility. God commands parents to instruct their children in His ways (Deut 6:1–25; Prov 1–8; Eph 6:1), and often the greatest evangelistic...

How to Prepare Your Children’s Lesson
If you teach the Bible to children, God has afforded you a marvelous privilege and responsibility. But how can you grow in your skillfulness and devotion when you teach? One...
How to Prepare Your Children’s Lesson
If you teach the Bible to children, God has afforded you a marvelous privilege and responsibility. But how can you grow in your skillfulness and devotion when you teach? One...

Should I Physically Discipline My Children?
Many spheres of the Christian life require wisdom. In such areas, a one-size-fits-all approach is not possible; rather, a wise man draws fundamental principles from Scripture and applies them faithfully...
Should I Physically Discipline My Children?
Many spheres of the Christian life require wisdom. In such areas, a one-size-fits-all approach is not possible; rather, a wise man draws fundamental principles from Scripture and applies them faithfully...

Why Children Should Learn Systematic Theology
There was a time in church history when men deemed theology the highest of all sciences, the worthiest subject of study. Pastors exercised much effort to educate their people in...
Why Children Should Learn Systematic Theology
There was a time in church history when men deemed theology the highest of all sciences, the worthiest subject of study. Pastors exercised much effort to educate their people in...