Grace Curriculum: Who Are We?

Grace Curriculum: Who Are We?

Grace Curriculum began as an effort to pass on the gospel of God’s grace to the next generation of children at Grace Community Church of Sun Valley, CA, where John MacArthur serves as pastor. Our faithful members and elders labored to produce a children’s ministry curriculum faithful to Scripture, engaging with children, and helpful to parents. Out of these efforts, two curriculums were born. 

Generations of Grace: Bible Narrative for Sunday School

In the early 2000’s, the elders here at Grace Community Church began to develop a Sunday School curriculum, called Generations of Grace; a three-year survey of the most important narratives in Scripture. Children spend two years learning the essential stories of the Old Testament and one year walking through the New Testament narratives. Designed for children aged 3–12, a child may walk through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation three times before graduating into junior high. Generations of Grace is also a unified curriculum so that all children learn the same lesson, delivered to each age group (3-5, 6-8, & 9-11) in an age-appropriate way. Since its inception, Generations of Grace is now used in churches and homes all over the world.

Adventure Club: Systematic Theology Midweek Program.

After using Awana for over two decades, the elders at Grace Community Church decided to develop a more biblical curriculum that better aligns with our doctrinal statement and philosophy on ministry. In 2017, we developed  a three-year study of systematic theology for kids adapted from the book, Biblical Doctrine by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue, and called it Adventure Club. Designed to run along the course of a school year, Adventure Club instructs children on the high points of systematic theology. In year one, kids learn about the church, the Bible, and the end times. In year two, children learn the essential truths regarding mankind, sin, and salvation. In year three, children spend the whole year learning about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As with Generations of Grace, Adventure Club is designed so that a child who starts at age 3 will learn the whole curriculum three times before graduating at 6th grade. Similar to Generations of Grace, Adventure Club is also a unified curriculum, where all 3 age groups learn the same lesson communicated at their level.

Grace Media

In the Lord’s providence, Generations of Grace and Adventure Club began spreading to other churches. Today, these curricula are being translated into different languages so that children all over the world may benefit from their biblical teaching. Moreover, the Lord has provided even more opportunities to our ministry today. We are currently expanding our reach and publishing new materials for all generations—children and adults alike. During 2020, when Covid-19 limited many, we produced video materials and launched them through our brand-new Grace Media app. Designed for all ages, Grace Media provides curriculum support videos (Teaching Tips, Moment of Truth) engaging instruction for kids (Adventures with Ranger Joe), a visual audiobook of the Adventure Club kid's story in the mid-week evening curriculum (Adventure Club Stories), on-the-ground enrichment for adults (Everyday Theologian and Roadmap to Pilgrim’s Progress), and even support for music ministry (Hymnology & Generations of Grace Music). 

Moving forward, Grace Curriculum will be publishing new resources to aid and support the local church of all ages, including adults. Grace Curriculum now seeks to serve and support all generations so that Christ will be honored and praised from the least to the greatest (Jer 31:34). To see our latest resources, check out or view our product pages below.

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I’m on the children’s committee at my church and we are looking for curriculum for the midweek program. Can I request samples?

Pam Ascanio

כאשר קבלתי את הסיפור שלכם ותרגמתי. יכולתי להכינו עבור הילדים בכיתה שלי. יכולתי לקחת חומר נוסף ולחשוב על פעילויות נוספות.


I have been teaching 4-6 yr olds for 13 years, using Generations of Grace for at least 9 years, we are in our 3rd rotation of lessons. I love the bible lessons, but I must say the activity book is very difficult for non-readers, & we wanted more than just a coloring page. So I have spent numerous hours adapting & creating activity packets for homework over the past 2years. We have had seen great improvement on the packets being returned completed each week, and greater comprehension & memory of the main ideas presented in the lessons. I am saving & filing each packet for use in the next rotation, but it could be so much better if a team of professional graphic artists could take on a project like this. If someone on your creative team is interested in looking at some samples please reach out to me.
Together in Christ’s service,
Julie Angeles

Julie Angeles

I have been teaching 4-6 yr olds for 13 years, using Generations of Grace for at least 9 years, we are in our 3rd rotation of lessons. I love the bible lessons, but I must say the activity book is very difficult for non-readers, & we wanted more than just a coloring page. So I have spent numerous hours adapting & creating activity packets for homework over the past 2years. We have had seen great improvement on the packets being returned completed each week, and greater comprehension & memory of the main ideas presented in the lessons. I am saving & filing each packet for use in the next rotation, but it could be so much better if a team of professional graphic artists could take on a project like this. If someone on your creative team is interested in looking at some samples please reach out to me.
Together in Christ’s service,
Julie Angeles

Julie Angeles

Thank you for reaching and teaching the word of God to children and adults.

Melissa Headley-Smith

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