Adventure Club FAQs

Adventure Club
What is Adventure Club?
Adventure Club is a mid-week children's curriculum program designed to go through various aspects of systematic theology in a simplified and unified manner.
How is Adventure Club broken down?
There are three different age groups per year; Trackers (3-5), Scouts (6-8), and Trailblazers (9-12). Each age group has a Kids Book and a Leader Book. There is also a Teacher Book that includes all ages.
When will Adventure Club Year 3 be available for purchase?
Adventure Club – Year 3: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit will be available for purchase this Fall, 2021.
What Adventure Club benefits do I gain with the Church+Ministry membership?
The Church+Ministry Membership gives you 25% off all curriculum purchases, including Adventure Club materials, plus dedicated customer service support.
Does Adventure Club work with the Generations of Grace Sunday school curriculum?
Yes! The Adventure Club curriculum pairs nicely with the Generations of Grace Sunday school curriculum. Both curricula use the same age breakdown, and both are a unified curriculum for the whole family. The Sunday School curriculum goes through the narrative of Scripture, and the Adventure Club curriculum focuses on systematic theology.
Where can I purchase the Adventure Club curriculum?
Click here to purchase the Adventure Club curriculum.
What are the doctrinal beliefs of Grace Curriculum?
For the Grace Curriculum Doctrinal Statement, click here.