Teaching Kids About Giving

The Bible teaches us the importance of giving, and it is a lesson that should be passed down to the next generation. According to the word of God, God’s people are called to give sacrificially. This call is given to all Christians regardless of wealth or economic status. “Generosity in giving is not just for the rich. All of God’s people should give sacrificially. Generosity is an expression of a sacrificial and caring heart, not an abundance of wealth” (Adventure Club Teacher Book, Year 1). This statement emphasizes the importance of teaching children that giving is not just about transferring money, but about having a sacrificial and caring heart, which is pleasing to the Lord.


Generosity in giving is not just for the rich. All of God’s people should give sacrificially. Generosity is an expression of a sacrificial and caring heart, not an abundance of wealth” - from the Adventure Club Teacher Book: The Church, The Bible and The End Times 

For this reason, when we teach children about giving, we help them develop a heart motivated by love instead of by apathetic practice or fear. We show them how to be selfless and how to put others before themselves. By teaching children to give sacrificially, we are equipping them with a valuable lesson of a lifetime–that all we are and all we possess, including money, belongs to Yahweh our God (cf. Ps 24:1, 50:12b; 1 Cor 10:26).

Additionally, the act of giving has many benefits for children. It teaches them the value of sharing and how to be grateful for what they have. When children see the impact their giving can have on others, they develop a sense of acknowledgement of God’s provision in their lives. For example, when the nation of Israel made offerings for the construction of the Temple, King David praised Yahweh and prayed: “Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all, and in Your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone.... But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as willingly as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given You” (1 Chron 29:12, 14). In giving to Yahweh, David’s grateful prayer acknowledged that what they were giving was only what they had already received from the hand of God, therefore their giving flowed from a thankful heart.

One practical way to teach children about giving is to involve them in contributing to gospel missions. This can be as simple as learning about the ministry of the missionary supported by the church and donating money to their work and living expenses.

Another way to teach children about giving is to set an example. Children are great observers and are more likely to follow the examples set by those around them. When parents and other role models demonstrate a culture of giving, children are more likely to adopt this attitude and behavior as well.

In conclusion, teaching children about the biblical concept of giving is a valuable lesson that can have a profound impact on their lives for generations to come. By teaching children to be generous and to give sacrificially, we are helping them develop a heart for others and for God. This is a lesson that they will carry with them for a lifetime, and it will shape their character and behavior in a way that honors our Lord and Master. As a Christian parent, always remind your children what Jesus said, that “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

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