Coming Soon - Adventure Club: Second Edition
The Adventure Club team and Grace Curriculum is pleased to announce the release of the second edition of the Adventure Club program for children ages three through eleven. This well-loved program has been enhanced to better serve the teachers, leaders, and the children who are going through the program.
The second edition has three featured changes. The first main change is to the structure and organization of the books. In the second edition the first year of topics are: Bible, God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The third and final year will feature lessons on angels, the church, and the study of end times. The structural changes to year one and three are now more consistent with Biblical Doctrine (edited by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue, Crossway, 2017) and the topics are linked together in a systematic flow (as one would find in most books on systematic theology).
The second change to Adventure Club is in the commentaries found in the Teacher Books. These commentaries have been streamlined and made more user-friendly. The word count has been reduced and yet these commentaries still effectively communicate the important truths of the topic (in systematic theology) being studied. Each commentary focuses on the central truth that the children will be learning in each corresponding lesson. In addition, there is a new Teacher’s Toolbox section that has object lessons intended to reinforce the central truth. In addition to these new features, there are carefully crafted discussion questions in each lesson that can help facilitate small group discussions. In addition to the more traditional topics of theology, there are a couple of new lessons in year 2—ethnicity and human government. They are both located in the anthropology section on man and will help shed light on God’s purpose in creating mankind and establishing the proper biblical view concerning the governing authorities on earth. Readers may also note that the lessons on angels have been expanded to give more detail on what the Bible truly teaches about good and evil angels.
The final change to Adventure Club is that the Kids Books have doubled in size and include a catechism question and answer (the answer in each case being the lesson’s central truth) that each child is going to be memorizing along with their memory verse. The central truth is helpful because it takes the theology being taught and puts it into a sentence to be easily recited and remembered. The extra pages added to the Kids Books also offer more for the children to work on during the week at home in preparation for Adventure Club.
Each of the changes that have been made to Grace Curriculum have been prayerfully considered with the intention that they will be of benefit to our teachers, leaders, parents, and the AC children. This second edition retains the focus of our mission: “Adventure Club exists to glorify God through evangelizing students, encouraging parents, and edifying the servants who come and serve. Our desire is that God’s Word would be elevated, and that the gospel would go forth throughout the world.”
The Adventure Club team prays that the teachers, leaders, parents, and children will find that these changes will help facilitate learning and the spread of the true and life giving gospel to churches all around the world. To God be all the glory!